Changes to Finals Week

Finals week schedule has been modified due the new rules from the state, changing the necessities of minutes needed to complete the school year.

“The decision for the schedule was made last year actually,” associate principal Heather Cook said. “The state changed some of the requirements for schools and with having to take two early release days away, we hit that mark. We still wanted to model the schedule by still having only two tests a day for students.”

Some students do not like how early release was taken away this year and feel stressed out by having to attend classes after the final. The new times make it to where Thursday is the only day to leave early in the morning.

“Next week is going to be very overwhelming,” senior Ariel Campanioni said. “With early release being taken away from us, we are still expected to stay at school all day and treat it like a normal week. Now that I drive to school this year, I was looking forward to being able to have the freedom and take myself home early.

No tests or new assignments will be allowed to be given on the Friday before final week. This time is given to the students to prepare for the exams. Each class will only be visited once throughout the week, so the new bell schedule is posted on Schoology.

“I think that having class after will be helpful because we can go over any questions we have in class the day before we take it, so it’s kind of like our last review,” junior Matthew McCory said. “Also it’s probably going to help us out and boost our grade even a little by having time to go over things with the teacher.”